No Sirens Activated For July 17th 2016 Tornado Warning
By Lieutenant Dustin Campbell
July 18, 2016

Many residents of Dwight have asked why the Tornado sirens were not activated last evening after the National Weather Service issued a "Tornado Warning." As the Fire Chief, I have inquired about why the alarms were not set off. While I still do not have an official answer, what I can say is that I have been informed by the Head of Livingston County Sheriff's Dispatch (LivCom) that they do not set off the alarms in Dwight. The authority to set off the alarms rests with the Dwight ESDA Director. I will be looking more into this situation as my job is to ensure the safety of the community during severe weather and other emergency incidents.
Again, the Dwight Fire Protection District and Livingston County 911 office DO NOT have the authority OR ability to set off the tornado alarms. This responsibility falls directly on the Village of Dwight ESDA Department and ESDA director. LivCom does not have the radio frequencies programmed to activate the Dwight Emergency Sirens, only Dwight ESDA currently has these frequencies programmed into their system to activate the alarms.