May 19 through May 25, 2019 is National EMS Week
By Photographer Johna Bradley
May 20, 2019

May 19 through May 25, 2019 is National EMS Week.
National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week recognizes the front line of the healthcare industry. National EMS Week is a time to show our appreciation for their dedication.
Those in the EMS field, such as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's), paramedics, first responders, and emergency dispatchers work everyday with very little appreciation or thanks from the public, when, in fact, they save lives every day.
These dedicated individuals even make a difference during many of their routine, non-emergency calls that make up the bulk of their day to day work.
Life-saving maneuvers are not always used each day by an individual paramedic, EMT, or first responder, however, the compassion and caring that they show to their patients and the help that they provide each day can be tiresome to these professionals.
We should reward them with this week by saying "thank you" for all that they do!